Get Involved!
The Save Roughfields Campaign is first and foremost a community effort. Our strength comes from the passion and commitment of the local residents, our Facebook members and former residents now living farther afield. We rely totally on the goodwill and effort of our supporters – and are fortunate to have a well of talented people living here who seem to magically appear just when we need some help!
There are so many different ways to get involved e.g. Be Seen: Wear your "Save Roughfields" badge. Display our free poster in your window. Host one of our banners. Share our posts onto your own Facebook pages. Be Heard: Tell your friends about Save Roughfields. Write to your local councilor. Contact our MP, Robert Largan. Help fund the project: Save Roughfields is run entirely by volunteers who have supported the start up costs of the project with their own funds. We have paid for banners, leaflets, badges, this website and more. So far over £1,000 has been spent! We would really appreciate any contributions towards our ongoing expenses. You can contribute (via Paypal) by clicking on the Donate button on the menu bar at the top of the page. If you would like to donate by cash or cheque please contact us through the website. |
The Team
The Save Roughfields Team consists of a core group of five committee members. We come from various backgrounds and professions and together we have a really solid combination of skills and talents. We are also very fortunate to live in a place brimming with talented people who very kindly respond to our requests when help is needed in a particular specialist areas.
Our Committee Nic Holt, Technical Expert. Josh Asquith, Campaign Manager. Halina Billingham, Chair and Founder. Amanda Shard, Secretary. Sara Billingham, Treasurer. We also have our Future Vision Working Group Sally Mavin, Frank Hamilton, Pete Tomlin, Cllr Ed Kelly, Cllr Ollie Cross, Robert Largan MP and Halina Billingham. We'd also like to thank the following people for contributing to the project: Adrian Lambert Paul Kirkham Paul Higham Sara Scott Rivers Jackie Kilkenny Schula Rose Jeff Hall Donna Wilde Katie Wilde Tom Addison (website) Louise Street And thankyou to everyone else who has helped. |