All residents of Padfield are considered members of the Society with the proviso that individual residents may wish to take no part in the running of the Society.
The Society will:
Monthly meetings
The Padfield Residents' Society meets on ther 3rd Monday of every month at 8pm in the Peels Arms. Come along and join us, anyone from the village is welcome. The meeting is a great way to get to know what is happening in the village, from annual events to local planning. It is also the perfect forum to meet some of the people that work behind the scenes to make Padfield a better place to live.
All residents of Padfield are considered members of the Society with the proviso that individual residents may wish to take no part in the running of the Society.
The Society will:
- Work to protect and preserve the natural and built environment of Padfield
- Be apolitical and not side with any political party or interest group
- Liaise with other organisations, authorities and groups to promote the best interests of the village
- Work with elected councillors and the MP in the interests of Padfield Village and its residents
- Work to promote the cultural, sporting, social and other interests of the residents
Monthly meetings
The Padfield Residents' Society meets on ther 3rd Monday of every month at 8pm in the Peels Arms. Come along and join us, anyone from the village is welcome. The meeting is a great way to get to know what is happening in the village, from annual events to local planning. It is also the perfect forum to meet some of the people that work behind the scenes to make Padfield a better place to live.
Want to find out more?
The next meeting will be held on:
Monday, 17th February, 2025 |
Find out more about what we do
Minutes of our Meetings
It was discussed and agreed at the meeting on 11 January 2016 that copies of the minutes would be included on the site so that every resident of Padfield will be able to access the topics being addressed each month. The minutes from each meeting will be added below as a downloadable file unless the meeting was inquorate.
Meetings in 2016

Minutes of Annual General Meeting (AGM 20 Apr 2016) | |
File Size: | 18 kb |
File Type: | doc |
Meetings in 2017
Meetings in 2018
Meetings in 2019
Meetings in 2020
Meetings in 2021
Meetings in 2022
Meetings in 2023
To open a file, simply click on "Download File" and save to a destination on your device and open in a .doc compatible application such as Microsoft Word or Open Office.
Padfield Residents' Society Constitution
Our fundamental principles
1. The Society will be called the Padfield Residents’ Society – hereafter referred to as “the Society”
2. All residents of Padfield are considered members of the Society with the proviso that individual residents may wish to take no part in the running of the Society.
3. The Society will:
• Work to protect and preserve the natural and built environment of Padfield
• Be apolitical and not side with any political party or interest group
• Liaise with other organisations, authorities and groups to promote the best interests of the village
• Work with elected councillors and the MP in the interests of Padfield Village and its residents
• Work to promote the cultural, sporting, social and other interests of the residents
4. There shall be an Annual General Meeting, held annually in April. Special meetings may be called at any time at the discretion of the Committee, or at the request of any 20 residents by them writing to the Chair of the Committee.
5. The AGM shall elect a Committee which shall meet monthly to carry out the day to day running of the Society.
6. The Committee shall consist of a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and as many residents who wish to serve on the Committee. The Committee may elect other officers as it shall from time to time decide. The Committee may also co-opt whoever it feels may make a contribution to the work of the Society.
7. At least two weeks’ notice of General Meetings shall be given and all General Meetings and meetings of the Committee shall take place within Padfield Village.
8. No business will be conducted by the Committee unless four or more members are present.
9. The Committee shall conduct the day to day business of the Society. It shall seek to reach decisions by consensus but in the event of a formal vote being required decisions will be taken by a majority of those present and voting. The Chairperson will have a casting vote in the event of a tie.
10. All decisions of the Society will be made via the Committee or by the Annual or SpecialGeneral Meetings.
11. All letters and other communications shall be made on behalf of the Committee by the Secretary or any other such member the Committee may decide.
12. The Society may produce newsletters, host a website and take part in any form of media it may decide.
13. The Society shall open a bank account and any other accounts it may decide.
14. Cheques must be signed by two members of the committee. Except in emergencies decisions resulting in expenditure must be first agreed by the Committee. In emergency situations any two of the Treasurer, Secretary and Chair may take actions on behalf of the committee provided these actions are reported to the next normal meeting of the Committee.
15. Subject to the appropriate licences the Society may organise fund raising activities, lotteries, collections etc. as from time to time it may decide.
16. The Society may own any other such asset, building and equipment as it may decide.
17. The Society may take out whatever insurances it believes necessary in the carrying out of its functions.
18. The Society may be dissolved by a Special General Meeting called expressly for this purpose by the Committee or by 75 residents petitioning the Committee. Not less than 1 month’s notice shall be given of this special meeting which shall be held within Padfield Village. Two thirds of those present and voting at the Special General Meeting will be required to vote in favour of dissolution for it to take effect.
19. In the event of the Society being dissolved all its assets including cash, money, equipment and premises shall be donated to a Derbyshire Charity as decided by the Special General Meeting.
Amendment of this Constitution
20. This Constitution may be amended at the Society’s AGM provided that two thirds of those present and voting so decide. Abstentions will not be counted as votes either for or against.
21. This Constitution was approved at the Annual General Meeting on 20th April 2016 and replaces the constitution dated 12 July 1993.
1. The Society will be called the Padfield Residents’ Society – hereafter referred to as “the Society”
2. All residents of Padfield are considered members of the Society with the proviso that individual residents may wish to take no part in the running of the Society.
3. The Society will:
• Work to protect and preserve the natural and built environment of Padfield
• Be apolitical and not side with any political party or interest group
• Liaise with other organisations, authorities and groups to promote the best interests of the village
• Work with elected councillors and the MP in the interests of Padfield Village and its residents
• Work to promote the cultural, sporting, social and other interests of the residents
4. There shall be an Annual General Meeting, held annually in April. Special meetings may be called at any time at the discretion of the Committee, or at the request of any 20 residents by them writing to the Chair of the Committee.
5. The AGM shall elect a Committee which shall meet monthly to carry out the day to day running of the Society.
6. The Committee shall consist of a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and as many residents who wish to serve on the Committee. The Committee may elect other officers as it shall from time to time decide. The Committee may also co-opt whoever it feels may make a contribution to the work of the Society.
7. At least two weeks’ notice of General Meetings shall be given and all General Meetings and meetings of the Committee shall take place within Padfield Village.
8. No business will be conducted by the Committee unless four or more members are present.
9. The Committee shall conduct the day to day business of the Society. It shall seek to reach decisions by consensus but in the event of a formal vote being required decisions will be taken by a majority of those present and voting. The Chairperson will have a casting vote in the event of a tie.
10. All decisions of the Society will be made via the Committee or by the Annual or SpecialGeneral Meetings.
11. All letters and other communications shall be made on behalf of the Committee by the Secretary or any other such member the Committee may decide.
12. The Society may produce newsletters, host a website and take part in any form of media it may decide.
13. The Society shall open a bank account and any other accounts it may decide.
14. Cheques must be signed by two members of the committee. Except in emergencies decisions resulting in expenditure must be first agreed by the Committee. In emergency situations any two of the Treasurer, Secretary and Chair may take actions on behalf of the committee provided these actions are reported to the next normal meeting of the Committee.
15. Subject to the appropriate licences the Society may organise fund raising activities, lotteries, collections etc. as from time to time it may decide.
16. The Society may own any other such asset, building and equipment as it may decide.
17. The Society may take out whatever insurances it believes necessary in the carrying out of its functions.
18. The Society may be dissolved by a Special General Meeting called expressly for this purpose by the Committee or by 75 residents petitioning the Committee. Not less than 1 month’s notice shall be given of this special meeting which shall be held within Padfield Village. Two thirds of those present and voting at the Special General Meeting will be required to vote in favour of dissolution for it to take effect.
19. In the event of the Society being dissolved all its assets including cash, money, equipment and premises shall be donated to a Derbyshire Charity as decided by the Special General Meeting.
Amendment of this Constitution
20. This Constitution may be amended at the Society’s AGM provided that two thirds of those present and voting so decide. Abstentions will not be counted as votes either for or against.
21. This Constitution was approved at the Annual General Meeting on 20th April 2016 and replaces the constitution dated 12 July 1993.