Roughfields is an area of land (4.7 ha, 11.5 acres) South of Padfield Main Road, between Padfield village and Brosscroft.
It is the last remaining area of public open green space at the NE end of Hadfield, vital to the physical and mental wellbeing of the local community. The land was earmarked in the 1950s for Manchester overspill housing (with DCC agreement). But, since then, life has changed dramatically: the population of Glossopdale has doubled; car ownership has sky‑rocketed; yet infrastructure capacity and public amenities have not grown accordingly. Indeed, many local services have disappeared, to be delivered only in larger centres of population. In the 2016 Local Plan, HPBC (belatedly) allocated Roughfields as a potential site for 102 new houses. Padfield Main Road, narrow and with no pavement, would be the main access. In 2023, Roughfields HPBC designated Roughfields an Asset of Community Value, officially confirming its importance to the public. |
Save Roughfields
The Save Roughfields campaign began in December 2020 after residents discovered that the site was part of the High Peak Borough Council's (HPBC) "Local Plan" and had been given "accelerated status" for the development of 102 houses and a new primary school. The community came together and within weeks of starting up the Save Roughfields FaceBook page, we had over one thousand members.
Roughfields as it currently stands is our final piece of accessible amenity green space between the two villages of Hadfield and Padfield situated in the Dark Peak. The majority of this former farmland has been developed into housing estates over recent years. Previous campaigns managed to save this current stretch of Roughfields, however as it now stands, we could lose our last piece of Roughfields to a developer at any moment. Our Aim
Save Roughfields is a group of like minded people who are passionate about keeping the High Peak green and protecting our open spaces.
We are an independent group of volunteers, we are not affiliated to any political parties. Our sole aim is to unite our community and Save Roughfields for the benefit of all living things and their future generations. The immediate objective is to have Roughfields removed from the housing allocations in the Local Plan, which is currently being reviewed. |
Local support
Save Roughfields is built on a strong foundation of community, with a real sense of wanting to protect the last piece of accessible amenity green space we have between our two villages.
Take a walk or drive around the area and you won't have to go far before you'll see "Save Roughfields" posters in front windows, campaign banners attached to fences and people wearing their "Save Roughfields" campaign badges. |
Roughfields Community Project
Address: 4 Malvern Rise, Hadfield, GLOSSOP SK13 1QW Mail: [email protected] Tel: 07714 323089 To keep up with key events please subscribe below |