Archives: Village news and events from 2017
Throughout the year Padfield village is home to a variety of activities and events. Below is a listing of news items, activities and events that took place in 2017. They are shown in reverse date order.
Padfield's planning applications
Did you know that you can see the planning applications for Padfield by clicking on this link: It looks like a complicated page when it opens but all you have to do is choose PADFIELD from the 'Ward' dropdown box and enter 2 dates - one in the 'Received date from' box and one in the 'Received date to' box. Then scroll down and click 'Search'. It's usually helpful to go back a couple of months in the 'Received date from' box and put today's date in the 'Received date to' box. You can then see all the applications and even comment on them if you wish.
Details of a current application can be found here:
Details of a current application can be found here:
NHS Tameside and Glossop Clinical
Commissioning Group
Public consultation around our Urgent Care services
NHS Tameside and Glossop Clinical Commissioning Group are continually looking at new ways to provide vital high quality health and care services to our patients while balancing the need to ensure they meet the growing demands of an ageing population but are still affordable. Through the Care Together programme every aspect of our work with our partners across social care, community services and both primary and secondary care is being looked at to achieve those aims.
At the Single Commissioning Board (31 October 2017) we agreed to start a consultation from the 1st November 2017 on options for Urgent Care running for twelve weeks until 26th January 2018.
We are committed to ensuring that people with an urgent need are assessed and treated on the same day by the most appropriate professional. We recognise that for most people Primary Care is best suited to meet urgent (non-life threatening) care needs but this can only happen if we increase the appointments available.
The importance of freeing up A&E to care for the sickest people, including older people is at the centre of our plans. We have introduced A&E Streaming in line with National policy and our consultation includes our plan to deliver the mandated Urgent Treatment Centre that will provide additional access to urgent diagnostics.
The options being consulted on and further detail on the proposals can be found at this link:
These options have been developed following ongoing engagement with local communities and groups such as yours on Care Together and the approach to future service provision. In recent months we have engaged specifically on urgent Care through various networks. We are now moving from the engagement phase into formally consulting on specific options.
We are committed to continuing to listen to the views of a range of stakeholders alongside those of the public and patients before making any decision on which option to take forward. Your help in maximising this response to this consultation by raising awareness through your networks would be very much appreciated.
Below shows the confirmed dates for the Public consultation around our Urgent Care services.
We are committed to ensuring that people with an urgent need are assessed and treated on the same day by the most appropriate professional. We recognise that for most people Primary Care is best suited to meet urgent (non-life threatening) care needs but this can only happen if we increase the appointments available.
The importance of freeing up A&E to care for the sickest people, including older people is at the centre of our plans. We have introduced A&E Streaming in line with National policy and our consultation includes our plan to deliver the mandated Urgent Treatment Centre that will provide additional access to urgent diagnostics.
The options being consulted on and further detail on the proposals can be found at this link:
These options have been developed following ongoing engagement with local communities and groups such as yours on Care Together and the approach to future service provision. In recent months we have engaged specifically on urgent Care through various networks. We are now moving from the engagement phase into formally consulting on specific options.
We are committed to continuing to listen to the views of a range of stakeholders alongside those of the public and patients before making any decision on which option to take forward. Your help in maximising this response to this consultation by raising awareness through your networks would be very much appreciated.
Below shows the confirmed dates for the Public consultation around our Urgent Care services.
Harvest Messy Chapel
20 September, 2017
A party afternoon to celebrate Harvest time where children can join in with games, messy crafts, painting and stories. Included are refreshments, tea and cakes. Helpers are most welcome. Saturday 30th September, 3-4pm at the Chapel.
A party afternoon to celebrate Harvest time where children can join in with games, messy crafts, painting and stories. Included are refreshments, tea and cakes. Helpers are most welcome. Saturday 30th September, 3-4pm at the Chapel.
Harvest Festival with bring and share lunch
20 September, 2017
The Harvest Festival with bring and share lunch takes place on Sunday 1st October, 10:45am-2:30pm. Come and join us in the traditional Harvest Festival service where you can donate food items to be given to local charities. Please bring any spare tins, jars or packets to add to our collection. We are combining the Harvest Service with a 'Bring and Share Lunch'. Bring a picnic lunch with you and share with friends and neighbours after the service. All very welcome to join in. Tea and coffee provided.
The Harvest Festival with bring and share lunch takes place on Sunday 1st October, 10:45am-2:30pm. Come and join us in the traditional Harvest Festival service where you can donate food items to be given to local charities. Please bring any spare tins, jars or packets to add to our collection. We are combining the Harvest Service with a 'Bring and Share Lunch'. Bring a picnic lunch with you and share with friends and neighbours after the service. All very welcome to join in. Tea and coffee provided.
Christmas Messy Chapel & Christingle Party
This is the great Christmas party where every child is given their Christingle candle. As in previous years there will be lots of songs, games to play and crafts where we can make lots of colourful, sparkly festive decorations for Christmas. In the past we have made decorations for the Christmas tree. We even made a Christmas tree! We have iced cakes and made pretty decorations. We have also made a Christmas crib, decorating it to remain in the chapel throughout the Christmas period. Refreshments will also be provided.
The event takes place on Sunday 10th December, 3-4:30pm.
If you would like to help at this event or any of our Messy Chapel events please don't hesitate to contact us, helpers are very welcome.
The event takes place on Sunday 10th December, 3-4:30pm.
If you would like to help at this event or any of our Messy Chapel events please don't hesitate to contact us, helpers are very welcome.
The popular Padfield Coal Race
With the success of last year's coal race, this year's event has been penciled-in for Sunday 10th September.
Make a note of this date in your diaries. It would be great to see as many people as possible cheer and support those taking part. Tell your friends and family to come along and be a part of something unique and, if you feel up to the challenge, why not put your name forward for the race itself. You can do so by registering on the day. There will be a nice cool bottle of Howard Town ale for those who manage to get to the top of Redgate.
We'll post more details about the event as soon as we are updated. After the race we'll post the results and photos on the main Padfield Coal Race page.
Make a note of this date in your diaries. It would be great to see as many people as possible cheer and support those taking part. Tell your friends and family to come along and be a part of something unique and, if you feel up to the challenge, why not put your name forward for the race itself. You can do so by registering on the day. There will be a nice cool bottle of Howard Town ale for those who manage to get to the top of Redgate.
We'll post more details about the event as soon as we are updated. After the race we'll post the results and photos on the main Padfield Coal Race page.
Important! Padfield 20mph speed limit.
21 July, 2017
Please head on over to the Padfield speed restriction page where we have updated the information about the difference between a 20 mph zone and 20 mph limit. Many thanks to Nic Holt for providing us with the information.
There is still a major concern regarding drivers who are still driving too fast throughout the village, particularly on Padfield Main Road and Platt Street, although Post Street and Temple Street too have seen drivers continually flouting the speed limit. The village is currently within a 20 mph speed limit, which means at no point throughout the village at any time (not just school run times) should any driver be travelling in excess of 20 mph. It really isn't difficult to comprehend folks.
Please head on over to the Padfield speed restriction page where we have updated the information about the difference between a 20 mph zone and 20 mph limit. Many thanks to Nic Holt for providing us with the information.
There is still a major concern regarding drivers who are still driving too fast throughout the village, particularly on Padfield Main Road and Platt Street, although Post Street and Temple Street too have seen drivers continually flouting the speed limit. The village is currently within a 20 mph speed limit, which means at no point throughout the village at any time (not just school run times) should any driver be travelling in excess of 20 mph. It really isn't difficult to comprehend folks.
Please slow down!
During the summer months we find more children playing in the village and recreation area and more than ever drivers need to be aware of the potential dangers involved when driving too fast.
Many of us lead very busy, hectic lives but this does not mean we should break the law when it comes to speeding. The entire village is a 20 mph speed limit area for a reason so let's do our best to ensure that when we drive through the village we are adhering to the law and keeping our streets safer! Thanks.
Many of us lead very busy, hectic lives but this does not mean we should break the law when it comes to speeding. The entire village is a 20 mph speed limit area for a reason so let's do our best to ensure that when we drive through the village we are adhering to the law and keeping our streets safer! Thanks.
Paint the village red....or green!
21 July, 2017
A couple of years ago, the village produced a calendar based on some wonderful artwork created by the good people of Padfield. So we're going to try and do the same again this year! The artwork can be in any medium - drawings, paintings, photographs - whatever takes your fancy. The theme of the art should be 'Padfield'. It could be wildlife, buildings, people, pets, weather. Copies of the artwork can be tweeted (direct messages to Residents@Padfieldvillage with the contact details) or delivered to 1 Lees Row.
Young people are very much encouraged to take part and multiple entries are also allowed. The best 12 entries will part of the Padfield Calendar for 2018, and there will be some small prizes for successful entrants. We know there are lots of talented Padfielders out there, so sharpen those pencils and get cracking!
The closing date will be 31st October 2017.
A couple of years ago, the village produced a calendar based on some wonderful artwork created by the good people of Padfield. So we're going to try and do the same again this year! The artwork can be in any medium - drawings, paintings, photographs - whatever takes your fancy. The theme of the art should be 'Padfield'. It could be wildlife, buildings, people, pets, weather. Copies of the artwork can be tweeted (direct messages to Residents@Padfieldvillage with the contact details) or delivered to 1 Lees Row.
Young people are very much encouraged to take part and multiple entries are also allowed. The best 12 entries will part of the Padfield Calendar for 2018, and there will be some small prizes for successful entrants. We know there are lots of talented Padfielders out there, so sharpen those pencils and get cracking!
The closing date will be 31st October 2017.
Everything in the garden's lovely
21 July, 2017
It's that time of year again when the front gardens, flower boxes and hanging baskets of Padfield are carefully inspected for the Padfield Floral Competition. It's just a little bit of fun that hopefully encourages all of us to inject a bit more colour into the village to keep it looking beautiful.
It's only the front of the properties that will be judged, so it doesn't matter if your display is large or small. You don't need to do anything to enter, just water and weed carefully, keep your little patch bright and colourful and winners will be announced by the panel at the end of the summer. So, watch this space later in the year to find out our floral competition winners.
It's that time of year again when the front gardens, flower boxes and hanging baskets of Padfield are carefully inspected for the Padfield Floral Competition. It's just a little bit of fun that hopefully encourages all of us to inject a bit more colour into the village to keep it looking beautiful.
It's only the front of the properties that will be judged, so it doesn't matter if your display is large or small. You don't need to do anything to enter, just water and weed carefully, keep your little patch bright and colourful and winners will be announced by the panel at the end of the summer. So, watch this space later in the year to find out our floral competition winners.
The village is installing a Defibrillator
As you may have read in a previous edition of the Padfield News, the Padfield Residents' Society has applied to adopt the phone box on Platt Street and install a public defibrillator - giving 24 hrs a day protection in case of emergencies. We are hoping to arrange membership with the Heartbeat Trust, who will own and maintain the equipment.
We are obviously hoping to never use it, but it'll make a very important and valuable addition to our community. |
EEF mobile mast
21 July, 2017
For those of you that didn't know, High Peak Borough Council received an application for planning permission by EE Ltd. to erect a 15m (45ft) mobile phone mast and associated equipment on Platt Street - the footpath opposite the entrance to the Longdendale Trail. Well, by the time you read this, the consultation deadline would have passed for this proposal. However,, we understand that the application has now been withdrawn.
For those of you that didn't know, High Peak Borough Council received an application for planning permission by EE Ltd. to erect a 15m (45ft) mobile phone mast and associated equipment on Platt Street - the footpath opposite the entrance to the Longdendale Trail. Well, by the time you read this, the consultation deadline would have passed for this proposal. However,, we understand that the application has now been withdrawn.
Padfield AGM
21 July, 2017
This year's Annual General Meeting was held on Wednesday 19th April where we presented the Young Villager of the Year trophy to Ruby and certificates to all entrants. Well done to all! Many thanks to Janis Birchall for the interesting talk given on the Pennine Way.
This year's Annual General Meeting was held on Wednesday 19th April where we presented the Young Villager of the Year trophy to Ruby and certificates to all entrants. Well done to all! Many thanks to Janis Birchall for the interesting talk given on the Pennine Way.
Chapel Tea Party and Anniversary
6th June, 2017
Saturday 10th June - 2:30pm
Tea Party and Padfield Congregational Chapel to celebrate the 189th Anniversary of the Chapel this weekend. Come along and join us for a cuppa and some lovely home make cake, scones etc. It's a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon with friends and neighbours. There is no charge for this event. Donations always welcome.
Sunday 11th June - 2:30pm
This is 189th Anniversary Service, Padfield Congregational Chapel. A special Service given by the Chapel fellowship under the guidance of Rev Oliver Kinchen to celebrate the Anniversary. All the family are welcome. This service takes place of the usual Sunday morning service.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Saturday 10th June - 2:30pm
Tea Party and Padfield Congregational Chapel to celebrate the 189th Anniversary of the Chapel this weekend. Come along and join us for a cuppa and some lovely home make cake, scones etc. It's a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon with friends and neighbours. There is no charge for this event. Donations always welcome.
Sunday 11th June - 2:30pm
This is 189th Anniversary Service, Padfield Congregational Chapel. A special Service given by the Chapel fellowship under the guidance of Rev Oliver Kinchen to celebrate the Anniversary. All the family are welcome. This service takes place of the usual Sunday morning service.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Planning Permission for Mobile Phone Mast
11th May, 2017
It has just come to our notice that an application for planning permission by EE Ltd. has been received by High Peak Borough Council to erect a 15m (45ft) mobile phone mast and associated equipment on Platt Street - the footpath opposite the entrance to the Longdendale Trail. The point of this application is to re-site the existing mobile mast, located on the old Glossop Cartons factory building. Because it is a planning application it affects all residents in a 400m radius. Details of this application have been sent out to only 26 houses on Platt Street and the Moorlands estate. No one else has been informed of any such application that would, almost certainly, have a visual impact on the area.
If you have any concerns regarding this application then you will need to submit an objection to the council, of which the closing date for this consultation is Tuesday 16th May. You can submit your objections via the website or by writing to them directly at the following address:
It has just come to our notice that an application for planning permission by EE Ltd. has been received by High Peak Borough Council to erect a 15m (45ft) mobile phone mast and associated equipment on Platt Street - the footpath opposite the entrance to the Longdendale Trail. The point of this application is to re-site the existing mobile mast, located on the old Glossop Cartons factory building. Because it is a planning application it affects all residents in a 400m radius. Details of this application have been sent out to only 26 houses on Platt Street and the Moorlands estate. No one else has been informed of any such application that would, almost certainly, have a visual impact on the area.
If you have any concerns regarding this application then you will need to submit an objection to the council, of which the closing date for this consultation is Tuesday 16th May. You can submit your objections via the website or by writing to them directly at the following address:
The planning application number is DET/2017/0005
Below we have included two pages of a ready-made letter of objection which can be printed, signed and sent to the council. Please note that your opinion matters! If you have no objections then you need do nothing. If you would rather not see a 45ft mast on Platt Street then send your objections in as soon as possible. |
Development Control Section,
Development Services, High Peak Borough Council, Town Hall, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 6EL. |
Quiz Night at the Chapel
23rd April, 2017
We have a Quiz night in Padfield Congregational Chapel on Friday 28th April. It’s free and includes a ploughman’s supper of bread, biscuits, cheese, pate & drinks or, if you prefer, you can bring your own wine or beer. There are prizes to be won and it’ll be a great, fun night. Quiz teams can be up to 6 people.
Doors open 7pm - Quiz starts 7.30pm.
We hope to see you there.
We have a Quiz night in Padfield Congregational Chapel on Friday 28th April. It’s free and includes a ploughman’s supper of bread, biscuits, cheese, pate & drinks or, if you prefer, you can bring your own wine or beer. There are prizes to be won and it’ll be a great, fun night. Quiz teams can be up to 6 people.
Doors open 7pm - Quiz starts 7.30pm.
We hope to see you there.
Springtime is Upon Us
9th March, 2017
By now there should be plenty of spring bulbs showing nicely. Unfortunately, so are the weeds, so it is important to get weeding as soon as possible. Maybe start thinking about sowing some summer bedding plants in the greenhouse (or on the windowsill) and if you're planting fruit trees, this should be done before the end of March.
As we move into April and the weather improves (hopefully) the lawn should get the first cut of the year, and mulch your roses if you have any. Then it will soon be time for the Padfield Floral Competition (details to follow when we get them) and we'll need volunteer judges! Let us know if you're interested.
By now there should be plenty of spring bulbs showing nicely. Unfortunately, so are the weeds, so it is important to get weeding as soon as possible. Maybe start thinking about sowing some summer bedding plants in the greenhouse (or on the windowsill) and if you're planting fruit trees, this should be done before the end of March.
As we move into April and the weather improves (hopefully) the lawn should get the first cut of the year, and mulch your roses if you have any. Then it will soon be time for the Padfield Floral Competition (details to follow when we get them) and we'll need volunteer judges! Let us know if you're interested.
Redgate Road Repairs
9th March, 2017
After being closed for several weeks, Regdate had a much needed makeover. It has survived the winter so far and is a massive improvement from what it was before. We understand that it is also due to be resurfaced from 20th to 24th March so please be aware that it will be closed during this time.
After being closed for several weeks, Regdate had a much needed makeover. It has survived the winter so far and is a massive improvement from what it was before. We understand that it is also due to be resurfaced from 20th to 24th March so please be aware that it will be closed during this time.
Padfield Phone Box
9th March, 2017
As you may have read elsewhere, the Residents' Society have applied to adopt the phone box on Platt Street and install a public defibrillator giving 24hrs a day protection in case of emergencies. There have been a number of delays so far so we are hoping that this will be resolved as soon as possible. Many thanks to Janis Birchall and Nick Longos for the time they have spent hanging on the line for this decision.
As you may have read elsewhere, the Residents' Society have applied to adopt the phone box on Platt Street and install a public defibrillator giving 24hrs a day protection in case of emergencies. There have been a number of delays so far so we are hoping that this will be resolved as soon as possible. Many thanks to Janis Birchall and Nick Longos for the time they have spent hanging on the line for this decision.
Annual General Meeting
9th March, 2017
The AGM will take place on Wednesday 19th April at 7pm in the Congregational Chapel. We need nominees for Young Villager of the Year so please send them in as soon as possible either via our website or by getting in touch with Janis via Facebook or contacting her directly on 01457 861542.
There will be a review of the work of the society and a guest speaker, so please come along to the chapel and listen to what it is we do. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served on the night. We'll post more details as we get them.
The AGM will take place on Wednesday 19th April at 7pm in the Congregational Chapel. We need nominees for Young Villager of the Year so please send them in as soon as possible either via our website or by getting in touch with Janis via Facebook or contacting her directly on 01457 861542.
There will be a review of the work of the society and a guest speaker, so please come along to the chapel and listen to what it is we do. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served on the night. We'll post more details as we get them.
Padfield Impromptu
Do you sing in the shower? Annoy the neighbours by playing the trumpet loudly? Do you have a monologue that you need to share? Maybe you have an amusing sketch that needs public showing. Young or old, amateur or professional, get rehearsing for Friday 1oth March. The show kicks off at 7pm in the usual venue of the Congregational Chapel, Temple Street, but it needs acts....and an audience. So go on - be brave! Turn up with your kazoo and entertain us.
Youngsters are very much encouraged to take part. We know there are a lot of talented Padfielders out there, so polish up the recorder, get to the chapel and show us what you can do! It's free and a bit of fun.
The evening's schedule will consist of:
We need people on the door, someone to sort out CDs etc., people to serve tea/coffee/biscuits, collection pots, people to help tidy up afterwards. We also need performers. Please prepare something or entice your friends to take part!
Youngsters are very much encouraged to take part. We know there are a lot of talented Padfielders out there, so polish up the recorder, get to the chapel and show us what you can do! It's free and a bit of fun.
The evening's schedule will consist of:
- 7-8pm Young performers;
- 8-8.30pm refreshments;
- 8.30-10pm Adult performers.
We need people on the door, someone to sort out CDs etc., people to serve tea/coffee/biscuits, collection pots, people to help tidy up afterwards. We also need performers. Please prepare something or entice your friends to take part!